Monday, December 1, 2008

Great India!!!

An Olympic shooter wins Gold ( only a game) & Govt gives him 3 crores and awards .

Another shooter dies , fighting with terrorists, ( saving our country and our lives ) & Govt pays his family 5 Lacs ..

Truly Great India !!!


SV said...

any news about the city chandigarh safety...?

Unknown said...

We never learn,we were ruled by Mughals,Britishers and now corrupt Politicians. Biggest enemies of our nation are these politicians who will do anything to further their political ambitions.How can we blame Pakistan, when we have enemy within, who is hell bent on destroying secular fabric of India. What happened to our intelligence?10 terrorist just walk into our country and create mayhem.We have leaders who are spineless, cowards, self centered and selfish. Wake up India before it is too late.Time for more action and less talk! Dream On!

Aditya S said...

Raj Thakarey is the real terrorist of india ....... before hanging the terorists he should be hanged.....

terrorists only spread the terror ......but these bloody thakerays spread the terror with hatred....and thus harming the unity of our nation....

- aditya

Shailesh said...

Writely Pointed Out Mr. Raj Thakrey, Where he and his Musselmen's(MNS Workers) were when The Terrorists Strike Our Mumbai, They r only interested in Differentiating INDIA not to Integrate India.They beaten the Armless Poor persons but when the Time came to lay your life For Country they simply vanished.
Avoid these leaders from the Active politics and ban on these parties which have no sense of Nationalism.