Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tele-conversation between Pak handlers and the Mumbai terrorists

What discussion exactly went on between the Mumbai attackers and their Pak mentors during those 3 days, when they were fighting against our commandos in Taj, Oberoi Nariman house?

Here I am posting the transcript of tele-conversation between the Mumbai attackers and their Pakistani mentors. This is from a scanned copy of the evidence produced by the Indian Govt to Pakistan.

Click on the images to read the transcript:

The complete copy of the original evidence is available on The Hindu on this page.

Now does Pakistan need more proof?

credit: http://www.hindu.com


Unknown said...

This is a piece of bulshit.

Unknown said...

This is not your problem. It is very obvious commnet from sick people.

joyshri lobo said...

Let us not make the mistake of equating all Muslims with this bunch of brainwashed fanatics.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Dear brother, these are the proof of actual facets of your terrorist brethern in your community. If you are residing in India and love your terrorist brethern, you are welcome to join them in pak irado wali desh Pakistan and we will be pleased to take the shit out of each jihadis of this character...

Unknown said...

let this happen in Chin-a, Bang-ladesh and all those countries where people support Pakistan... any how today or after five year this will happen, its just a matter of time; then I will ask - is it not "Islamic Terrorism"

today we are facing.. tomorrow its your turn... :)

pAkIsTaN speaks of Nuclear weapon.. but it dont understand in t fist of terrorism that if it will use one India will use 10...

Unknown said...

10 nuclear bombs of pAk will not b able to affect India..but if 1 will be used by India...pAk wl vanish ;)

Unknown said...

u sick mind ppl dont u understand that your elders made this drama like 9/11 in US to attack on pak or to make a bad image of pak with the help of jewish rascals, but sorry for u ppl u have totally failed bcoz u r not US and we r not afghanistan and US and Interpool given statement that india has failed to provide evidence,u idiot fanatic indians do not forget we pakis and muslims ruled on your anchestor n on india for more than 1000 yrs do not disturb us anymore otherwise your india will b divided into so many pakistan as there r many freedomfighting going on,
jibran(australia) PAKi!!

Unknown said...

allah save muslims all over the world> maybe there are misreading quran

Unknown said...

Dear Pakistani friends. Please try and use your brains and do not keep your sense of logic shut. Its good to support your own country but do not underestimate other countries and their intelligence. Only fools try to hide behind an air curtain of lies and keep their eyes shut to the realities.

Roma said...

i cannot understand the statement made by jibran...whn did India disturb Pakistan???? It was the other way round though...

jibran...mind ur language...do not under estimate India...we are more powerful than u think we are...if we start then...u know the rest....

see all the evidences which shouts out loud about ur country men....disgusting !!!

Unknown said...

do not equate all the muslims in the same light.we muslims are so very much against terrorism as any other community. some diehard fanatics have mixed religion and politics and are now misguiding youngsters by interpreting different meaning of the sacred book.
as a result the whole community has to face the defamation.
these ppl should be crusified!!!

Unknown said...

Its certainly not about India or pakistan.... its just about eradicating this deadly terrorism from this Globe. India is a land of mixed cultures and religions and we respect every religion. Terrorism is not Islam for sure. Its just the ill-minded people who spread so much hatred in innocent minds, that they don't think second time, before doing such an INHUMAN act of killing their brothers... their families.

May God show right path to all these sick-minded ppl, so that peace can prevail everywhere.


I'm not a Hindu, not a Muslim...
Just another Human being like everyone else!!

Roma said...

absolutely right...the terrorists should not be known by their religion...religion has got nothing to do with this...any becose of some fool the whole community has to sufer...killing innocent ppl in the name of God....PATHETIC MORONS !!!

Unknown said...

Globally all religious sites should be left untouched by the intelligent IT professionals and these sites should not be polluted. Also, hacking sites for terrorist purposes is sickness. Backlashes on each other is of no use. Hope Wisdom Prevails.

Unknown said...

Jibbi is dreaming. you stupid, did u forget history? we screwed thrice still you shameless people wanted to be screwed again. Pakistan is not short of like you idiotic people. All of you need to sent to your Alla. you people are inching toward alla. we will help you people to reach.

Rajat said...

Well now what Pakis have to say when Pak Govt. has accepted that the surviving terrorist is a Paki.

A mature Paki would rather cooperate with India and help kill in the terror of LeT and other agencies supporting it...

Dillip said...

Jibran , I am surprise how did you reach australia ??? You are a big Terrorist.
You are sick. Are you cleaning road in Aust? Get familier how others [your neighbours] are behave ...

Gyanesh Sharma said...

Folks, do not forget Jibran comes from the country where a raped women is tortured or murdered for the honor of the family.
He could very well be a victim of such harsh circumstances and was able to survive and flee his country for good.
He may not understand that those terrorists were brainwashed. I guess you would need brain for that.
I wonder why Pakistanis keep killing their leaders. Oh... never mind, thatś how they have always been. They kill their brothers and sisters and even their parents to get to the power.
Jibbi, beware of your brothers dude. Don't worry about Indians. We won't have to worry about killing. You guys are doing a pretty good job at that.
We just want piece in our country. And anybody interfering with our business will be decimated.

Lucky said...

U stupid Jibran,
Don't under estimate India's power. India is only country after US and Rusia which has hydrogen bomb. Even your countries allie China don't have it thats the reason y u guys don't have it.
Remember Hydrogen bomb is way more dangerous then nuclear bomb.

And tell your countrymen that don't test our pations otherwise your country gonna wipe out of world map..

Mohammad Siddiqui said...

Anti-Terrorist Squad (Mumbai) said to the Nashik Court that a serving Army Lieutenant Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit, who was also arrested in connection with the Malegaon blast, was also involved in 2007 Samjhauta Express blast which killed almost 70 Pakistanis by using an Indian Army RDX. India's premier terrorist squad has claimed this and that too to an Indian Court. Yet, Pakistanis especially the so called Lashkar-e-Taiba are blamed by Indian media and their intelligence agencies.

Mohammad Siddiqui said...


Anti-Terrorist Squad (Mumbai) said to the Nashik Court that a serving Army Lieutenant Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit, who was also arrested in connection with the Malegaon blast, was also involved in 2007 Samjhauta Express blast which killed almost 70 Pakistanis by using an Indian Army RDX. India's premier terrorist squad has claimed this and that too to an Indian Court. Yet, Pakistanis especially the so called Lashkar-e-Taiba are blamed by Indian media and their intelligence agencies.

Unknown said...

I have a small request to Jibran..We Indians will not disturb you if you do a favor to us. Please take all the Indian muslims with you and get them settled in Pakistan. At least , India will be Terror free. If you can take all the muslims in another planet, that will be the biggest favor. Atleast the world will be terror free.

Anuj Vohra said...

Wow. Are we all not playing in the hands of the few exremely evil poeple who have also brainwashed some kids to kill hundreds of innocent people? It does not matter if you are a Hindu or a muslim,from INdia or Pak, if you are making comments that are inciting and creating disharmony and instability, you are working for the very same people that these so called terrorists were working for.

STOP, THINK, ACT !!!! Rational people are required to defeat this evil.

Jagadeesh said...

Where is this Jibran...? IDIOT. MORON and STUPID. Don't forget that you are still alive to type because of India's patience and consideration.

Dont spell those stinking words again, you dumb frog. Go and read History again. Indian Civilization is 5000 year old you are talking about 1000 year old page in that. India is the only country which didn't attacked any other country first in the last 5000 years.

You idiots invaded (babar and humayuns) and looted this country once. Still we are considering Muslims as brothers India. That is because of our Culture and its Greatness. Dont test our patience. To understand things better go and read the story of Great Akbar who tolerated Hindus and Muslims alike. Such great is our country and it's culture.

Keep your logic and reasoning with yourself, dear friends. Dont surrender it to any dumb fanatic religious preacher.And we never mixed Islam with terrorism. We are not that stupid. We are only pointing at the fanatics and preverts who in the name of God, kills innocent people.

And about the malegaon case, dear friends we must admit that there are perverts every where. But Indian judiciary and invstigation team were courageous enough to bring those perverts within us under law. Can we imagine the same thing in Pakistan? Well, not now.
you guys have a long way to go.
By the way how much time it took Pakistani Gov. to admit that Kasab hails from Pak land, though the entire world was convinced?

There is no point in starting a blame war anyway. Pakistan must transform itself from the clutch of fanatics and terrorist breeders and should focus on development and nation building. That's your call. Can you hear that?

Pakistanis themselves must isolate the thorns from their own nation. other wise the world's nations might react one day. Remember THAT.

May God's Love Guide all of us.

Jagadeesh said...


All who want to know more about 26/11 deatials CHECK THIS NEWS LINK

and from now onwards pleas dont play yourselves as stupid.

IMAAD said...

I am wondered by the indian delusion of grandiosity triggered by hype created by their media. Indians have started to believe that they are the US of this region. No my friend the sooner you get out of this delusion better it is for all of you.
Mr. rakesh is trying to threaten us from their hydrogen bombs. Dear, your intelligence is a complete failure, your commandos did a pathetic job, your so called blue water navy (2nd largest in the world) is also a big failure since all of them couldn't stop the Mumbai mayhem. Just imagine the intensity of destruction if ISI/Pak army jumps into such operations which is yet carried out by non state groups. Indian media should point out loop holes in your country's security instead of pointing fingers at Pakistan. Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani ... so what ?? a lot of RAW agents are Pakistani and numerous ISI agents are Indians. 9/11 was planned by Saudis, Egyptians on US soil ... does this imply anything ??? nothing !! So please be realistic and stop believing these bollywood produced funny stories. Try to get answer to questions like why Kamte and Kurkuray were the target? how can a dozen terrorists just penetrate all security protocols and enter mumbai through sea ? (hahaa sounds funny) how can a few people (never visited India) can carry out attacks with such precision ? Why did indian commandos carry out operation at 9:30 in the morning and not at night? Why were all the hostages killed including the Jews? (for your kind information the rescued people are those who were trapped or locked in the rooms and were not taken hostage).
Lastly, please stop threatning Pakistan because we give a damn. and all of you should know that we dont want war but when it comes to saving our country we all will sacrifice our lives happily but will ensure that none of you live to see tomorrow's sunhine as well.

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Unknown said...

Beleave it or not dear pakis as u call ur self ,every single blood drop u r spilling in our great nation will rise from its own ashes.this is BHARATH.BELEAVE IT OR NOT new india is rising.If we the people of india wants there wont be any so called nation-pakistan which u rcalling 'on the face of globe'.history will repeat friends . a revelution against ur jihad will rise.its only a matter of time.please dont be afraid because U R asking for that.BEWARE.............

Maks Ghansar said...

Mitali, i would like to update you with a few facts. As you have been telling that if Muslims are taken elsewhere, the terrorism will stop, well, it wont stop neither it will subside. Now, the Muslims are the backward people compared to the other sections. Once the Muslims vanish, people like Narendra Modi, Bush, Ehud Olmert will search for other preys! Dont feel bad, but your community might be next once the Muslims vanish!
When a community or a group is tortured and deprived of their basic rights, that is the place where terrorists come from! They dont belong to any state or religion. If you claim Muslims to be terrorists then i can also give you example of other sections being terrorists. Eg: During Gujarat riots, Muslims were killed the most! Pregnant women were gang-raped. Is this not terrorism? Mitali, at this point of time, noone wants to create disunity! Evertyone wants to work together to remove terrorism from our country. Why are you trying to create disunity? Maintain peace and unity! :)

Maks Ghansar said...

Mitali, i would like to update you with a few facts. As you have been telling that if Muslims are taken elsewhere, the terrorism will stop, well, it wont stop neither it will subside. Now, the Muslims are the backward people compared to the other sections. Once the Muslims vanish, people like Narendra Modi, Bush, Ehud Olmert will search for other preys! Dont feel bad, but your community might be next once the Muslims vanish!
When a community or a group is tortured and deprived of their basic rights, that is the place where terrorists come from! They dont belong to any state or religion. If you claim Muslims to be terrorists then i can also give you example of other sections being terrorists. Eg: During Gujarat riots, Muslims were killed the most! Pregnant women were gang-raped. Is this not terrorism? Mitali, at this point of time, noone wants to create disunity! Evertyone wants to work together to remove terrorism from our country. Why are you trying to create disunity? Maintain peace and unity! :)