Pay homage to the great martyr of India's terror battle on iTimes.
Sandeep Unnikrishnan, the NSG Commando who lost his life battling the Mumbai Terrorist, had his profile in Orkut. Take a look at this profile, friends list...

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Pay homage to the great martyr of India's terror battle on iTimes.
Sandeep Unnikrishnan, the NSG Commando who lost his life battling the Mumbai Terrorist, had his profile in Orkut. Take a look at this profile, friends list...

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1 – 200 of 529 Newer› Newest»sandeep, you are great
I salute your bravery.May your patriotism and courage be an inspiration for millions of Bharatiyas.
Indian Patriot
Salute to you SANDEEP.
sandeep you will be always remembered in our hearts for the tremendous sacrifice you made for the country. May God bless your family and give them strength.
we salute your soul, wish i could have been in your place.
an MBA student
Hats off to the great Soul.....God will make sure your life is not wasted...you are an inspiration to us..
I salute for your bravery.. U are and will remain the hero of the nation. we will miss you..
You are our hero, commandos like you are our role models
(Pity us Indians, we always assume bollywood actors to our role models and worship the actors. But commandos like Sandeep is no one's hero :( )
oh god here is a great soul glittering at your lotus feet,saved many a soul and left a great inspiration for many to aschew. pl.give the soul moksha as we all pray for it
You are our hero, commandos like you are our role models
(Pity us Indians, we always assume bollywood actors to our role models and worship the actors. But commandos like Sandeep is no one's hero :( )
All Indians in the World Salutes You and Your Team for Bravery.
No words to say abt him and his breaveheart....you are inspring evry indian. you will be always remembered in our hearts.
We salute you Major Unnikrishnan!
May god give your family and friends strength. You are fighter,a martyr.
India Salutes your bravery!
Yours thanksfully,
a Proud Indian
We Mumbaites salute you Sandeep for sacrificing your life for our safety. May you rest in peace and May God strengthen your family to bear this great loss.
Sandeep you are the pride of India. May God Bless your soul. We Indians salute your bravery.
Hats off to your bravery.
Our nation will remember your sacrifice and you will be definately inspirational to the youth of India.
You gave your life for us doing your duty. That is the highest sacrifice. Your soul is with Krishna.
Sandeep you are the real hero. I salute to you. He got martyr to save us. jago india jago.. lets finish this terror from our home
I salute u dear for ur bravery.
You will always be remembered.
Dear Sandeep Unnikrishnan,
I sincerely pray for all your family members to gain all the strength and courage in your absence.
I salute you for the brave act which you have shown for tha nation..You are a true fighter.You will definitely be an inspiration for all Indians.
May your soul rest in peace.My GREAT RESPECT is just for you..
Sandeep Kumar
Sandeep you honoured us with your bravery
My eyes are filled..
Can not say much..just salute !!
Hat's off to major
You will always live in our memories !!
Jai Hind !
may his soul rest in peace ...
Sandeep u died for your country, that's the greatest part. The worst the politicians don't care about the country. I wish this country has people like you and the politicians are thrown put. I salute you... may u rest in peace.
Dear Unni,
It's very easy to say sorry, sitting in a foreign land. We are among those who haven't moved a finger to help our brave men. In fact, we have surely helped your killers when we buy food and groceries from Pakistani and Kashmiri shops and buy products produced in Pakistan and other Islamic countires here in London. This is not just an allegation, but the truth. I have seen Indians unashamedly buying grocery and video CDs from Kashmiri shops in the UK and thus contributing to your killers.
We bow our heads in shame. Sorry.
We Salute my Brave Indian Commando, my deep condolences to your family. Jai Hind, Jai Bharath Matha....Long Live Bharath....
Major Unnikrishnan you are a great & proud son not to your parents but also to every indian living all over this world.You laid down your live for the country not i a far away land but in the heart of our country. I salute you.You like millions could have chosen a life to lead a paceful life instead you chose a path to protect India & its people.Your patriotism is is the ultimate sacrifice anybody could give his country.i want to thank your mother & father for giving birth to a son like you.May God give them the strength to endure the sacrifice made by their son.
You are the reason why millions of families are safe in their houses.
Jai Hind
I salute your sacrifice for nation.
The whole nation salutes you sir...
I salute your soul, you are the real HERO of our nation.
I salute you from my heat and soul.JAI HIND.
we are indians feel proud of you sandy...u have made ur life memorable...only lucky guys gets this opportunity..
god bless ur soul..
You are the irreplaceable son of this country. Rest In Peace. You have done India Proud.
Sandeep, dont have words to say anything.You will be a inspiration for the young generation.My salute to you for your bravery & patriotism....
Salute Salute Salute to your bravery....no words to express the loss.We will always remember your sacrifice.....
brave in life. Brave in the face of the last battle! Thank you! May God bless you wherever you are...
Sandeep, We salute your bravery. You will always be living in all indian hearts.
i knw our salute is nothing....But we really salute for your braveness ......
May God rest your Soul in peace! Your sacrifice to the nation is selfess, full of pride and a lesson for all Indians who have fogotten that above anything else " COUNTRY FIRST " should be there.
I salutes u sandeep, u sacrificed ur life for us,
we are proud of u.
Dear Sandeep, you have done our country proud..ur life wont go to waste.. I salute ur bravery and pray to god that ur soul rests in peace..
"This sacrifice of yours has proved that you are a true Indian. God bless your soul."
Sandeep Sir, I solute you. You did a great job. You made India proud. You are son of whole nation, you are son of mother India. I wish why I was not at your place so that my mother could have said proudly that my son sacrificed his life for the sake of nation. Vande Mataram Vande Mataram Vande Mataram Vande Mataram Vande Mataram Vande Mataram ...
My heart felt tributes to u, we are with the agrived family.
My Dear Brother
You have contributed your life to save other's life.and according to "BHAGWAD GITA..The Person who scrifice his life for other always welcomed by me(Shri. Krishna) and got a place in my feets."
May god bless ur soul and give you a place in his lotus feets.
I give u Thousands of salute's.
Sandeep u our hero.. we salute ur bravery..ur life which u have sacrificed for our country wont go to waste..may ur soul rest in peace
Salute u,
We need man like u........
You are not here to read these but you are now the reason for all nation to come together and get inspired to stand firm against terror. I can only salute you but trust me you have generated that sleeping fire in many people like me... I am sure God must have come down to take you to the ultimate peaceful world. We will continue to spread your message that "We will not get tired, We will not get afraid, We will not die without purpose, we will not die without a fight, We will always win against any non human act becouse India has inspirations like Major Unnikrishnan"
Sandeep, You are the son of India, will be remembered always.
I salute you for the Bravery.We Indians are very much indebted to your sacrifice.
Zakir Hossain
sandeep , we salute ur bravery. May your soul rest in peace great soldier
What if this blog is seen by some terrorists and track all the blogs of his friends? Their email address, phone number, and other information is gone. Can you delete this blog as early as you can and delete the photos at the earliest? For the SAFETY OF OUR JAWANS.
I am wordless to say something. i hope we indian will learn from your courage. we salute your bravery.
jai hind
Salute you for what you have done... Great patriot. you will be in our hearts...
My salute and homage to my ideal, our real hero..
if there is a heven after death.....it's made for people like you...vandee..matharam...
Safety issue not withstanding, i would urge that in any case the glory of our hero not be diminished, withered,- because of the fear, or anything, cause it is terror he was fighting out.
may god bless ur soul and your family...
I salute your bravery,Major.Unnikrishnan
we all INDIANS salute your bravery , dear all this messages to every INDIAN why this situation has arrived in our home land , just saluting our beloved brother is not enough i request every INDIAN to think why this situation has arrised ,Major was not only a solder even he was a son , we need to support his family.
may god bless your soul for the bravery you showed off my dear friend... i salute you and your contribution to our mother nation...
hearty salutes sandeep...also feeling so angry for those politicians who r sleeping in their palaces without having to take any pain for wat they seed...may such sacrifices never required again...
Hats off to the great Soul....
Hats off to the great Soul....
Dear Sandeep
Me salute your bravery
I salute you for your sacrifice.
We salute you and your bravey. You and others who sacrificed their lives for India are our true hero. People like you are true idol's.
Vande Matram
We all Salute you Sandeep.
Only on you guys we can believe.
I salute you for the Bravery
u will be in our hearts
Dear Unni,
You are great. We will make it sure that your sacrifice will not go in vain. We all fight against terror in every way.
Dear friends, now on please make it sure, whereever you are, come to polling both and caste your vote against the Politicians like Mulyum, Karunanidhi, Lallu who support these type of Jehadi as cultural organisation.
If Govt, Military and Polie don't teach a lesson for these Ugly Politicians, they teach a lesson to Govt & Ugly politicians in Purohit and Sadhvi way.
hats off 2 U commando SANDEEP....greatest heroes of this nation bhagat singh n all others who sacrfied their lives will b really happy 2 see that the son of maan bharati are still living on this gr88 land..... ....u are and will always be a hero for all of us
I salute your bravery Sandeep. Your patriotism will and should always be remembered. May God bless your family and your soul and give strength to your family.
May your soul rest in peace. You are a Martyr
Sir, hats off to ur bravery. Cant express the feeling that is flooding in my hearts. u r the role model to the present day young guns
what a brave man, ah MAH tujh salaam
for giving birth to a LION
Dear Sir,
I do not have words to describe what you meant for this country.
You are 10000 times a better human being and brave man than I can ever aspire to be.
Jai Hind...
sandeep u r really great ...
i think every indian shud learn 4m u ...
no indian(me also)hv devotion 4 India...v r still thinking about our own comfort ..any bdy don hv time 4 d country ...plz pay ur real attention to ur country ..coz only youth can change watver is happening .....
salute u sandeep bhai......
A salute to the matryr from his own countrymen...
How many of us will have the courage, courage to stand there in showering bullets, fighting against the basic human nature of escaping away from a troubed atmosphere, saving the country from the demons...
Can we contemplate the sight and the sounds that such a legend sees and hears and yet has his mind and soul focussed on what is desired...
And how many of us know that a real Man, named Major Unnikrishnan exised and many more are still their to risk their own lives and desires for peace for us...
Such a character is no less than a saviour sent by the almighty himself, risen way above the complexities of greed and hunger...
We salute to the mother who gave and will give birth to such children and to all those who have let their life for a safer India.
From the hearts of the entire nation who is on one hand in sorrow of losing a gem but is proud to have possessed the gem, a song dedicated to him...
Can you lay your life down, so a stranger can live?
Can you take what you need, but take less than you give?
Could you close every day, without the glory and fame?
Could you hold your head high, when no one knows your name?
That's how legends are made, at least that's what they say.
We say goodbye, but never let go.
We live, we die, 'cuz you can't save every soul.
Gotta take every chance to, show that you're the kinda man who;
Will never look back, never look down,
And never let go.
Can you lose everything, you ever had planned?
Can you sit down again, and play another hand?
Could you risk everything, for the chance of being alone?
Under pressure find the grace, or would you come undone?
That's how legends are made, at least that's what they say?
We say goodbye, but never let go.
We live, we die, 'cuz you can't save every soul.
Gotta take every chance to, show that you're the kinda man who;
Will never look back, never look down,
And never let go.
Gotta take every chance to, show that you're the kinda man who;
Will never look back, never look down,
And never let go.
We say goodbye, but never let go.
We live, we die, 'but you can't save every soul.
Gotta take every chance to, show that you're the kinda man who;
Will never look back, never look down,
And never let go.
Will never look back, never look down,
And never let go.
i salute you sir........your bravery have been inspired by many peoples in the world..........may god bless your family.....may your soul rest in peace.........
students from sharjah
hi dear
i wont call you a martyr because martyrs die but u will live in our hearts forever n ever n ever
Deared Sandeep
All Biharies Salute You. Yours one-one drop of blood will become a guard of India . I again salute you my elder brother. Jai Hind! Jai Sandeep
Hi Sandy, I thought you are among the Commondos who fought against Terrorist and Survived. When i got the Message that you sacrificed you life , I Felt very Bad.
Please Convey my Regards to Prakashanna who Expired recently in an Accident. Please Take care of you and Prakashanna , even he looks like you. May God Bless both of you,
are v dead ???
can v nt do anything???
plz don b a dead body ...
plz raise ur hand who is vth me....
i wana do smthin 4 india....
like sandeep...
don't u??
He was the great warrior of India who lost his life to protect us.
Hats off to this man...
To not care about one's life and die for others is not easy....
May you be inspiration for many....
There are no words to express my grief,but you are truly a hero,an inspiration to lot of us.May your soul rest in peace.
Dear Major We Salute you.
We will make that your sacrifice will not go in vain
If the Govt, NSG, Army, ATS and Police not going to teach a lesson to the Ugly politicians like Mulayum Singh Yadav,AmarSingh,Karunanidhi, Lallu and Paswan who all support Jehadhis in the name of support to Minorities,
we all should unit in the way of Sadhvi and Purhoit and should teach a lesson.
We lost enough NSG, and police officer to these terrorist. Now we should take the life of terrorists and their supports mainly these ugly politial supporters
Trillion sallute to u .
U r my inspiration n i espire 2
follow ur footsteps .
I m struggling hard to keep my eyes frm wetting coz it has been taught "Shadat pur aansoo na bahao"
may ur sole rest in pease . May almighty bless u with MOKSHA.
I Salute to the Brave Patriot who has lost his life in the battle...
No words to express... tears deep in my heart.......we miss you...
I Salute each & every Jawan of India who has put thier life online...
Ashamed of our Indian Politics which has taken so many innocent people's life....
WE all Salute you .
By the way who has discover the Orkut id of is fool i suppose.
Why you are exposing the identity of a NSG commando in public. With this u r giving terrorist the names of his colleages also.
Why v r poking our nose in his personal things likfe the bloody media does.
Hum log aise hi saheed hne ke baad salute karte rahenga , aur yahan ke neeta mohter c**d desh ko barbad karte rahenga , soch un ke bare mein jinka bhai beta ya pati aisi activities me saheed hote hai .........
salute our spy
Jai Hind
I salute you true patriot of BHARAT VARSHA.
May GOD give strength your family to bear this LOSS!!!!!
i salute u Maj. Sandeep. If only people on the terrorists side realize what's the cost of a life....
I wish your martyrdom never fades, never goes waste!! Hats off!!
Salute to our brave indian army oficers and soulders for their courage and dedication to fight against terroism in India.Now the time come and its my request to all of our politicians just to think about the national interest ,national security rather then playing the blody divide and rule vote bank politics.Army ,ATS and Mumbai police really they are our national heros and myself along with my family really pay houour and salute them.
You would be hero for the coming Years.......
Thousands of salute.
Our heart weeps and swells with pride at the same time
are v dead ???
can v nt do anything???
plz don b a dead body ...
plz raise ur hand who is vth me....
i wana do smthin 4 india....
like sandeep...
don't u??
I really wish I was You. Proud to have you Sandeep. Wish I was an Officer and could contribute in some way. I Salute you Maj.Sandeep.
Unni Krishnan is the name of Lord Krishna in His infant form.
He has done the greatest sacrifice that a soldier can make for his Motherland.
The entire Indian population should be thankful to Unnikrishnan and his colleagues and the likes, who have been fighting the terrorists last 36 hours.
Hope all our politicians, especially the foul-intentioned parochialists, learn a lesson from Military, where there is no distinction of caste, creed, community or language while doing duty.
Vande Mataram. May His Soul Rest in Peace
May Heavens Choicest and best place come to you…. You have laid your life for saving others, your act of bravery, kindness, love for the Country and its principles will always be rememberd.. You are my Real Life Hero, who touched every ones life…
May the soul get embraced by Lord himself…….
Long live your memory….
With all the respect and misty eye,Arnab.
Sandeep, May your soul rest in peace. We promise to never forget.
You are the soul due to which we are writing these comments otherwise we would not be here to write anything. Salute to you,
Ankur Goel - New Delhi
The Great Warrioir of India All Biharies Salute You. Jai sandeep Jai Bharat
I have lost an elder brother in form of Maj. Sandeep. I salute you. Jai Hind Jai Sandeep
No words can describe your sacrifices; you will remain in our hearts and will be a role model for the young Indians.You are the true Indian. We all pray for your soul to rest in peace.
Dear members of Sandeeps family,
we ordinary citizens of india share your grief. May God bless the soul of your son / husband / brother who gave his all, for us, against this great evil.
We should Indians. We all are children of Bharat Mata. We have lost our one brave brother in form of Maj. Sandeep. Jai hind Jai Sandeep
We all salute you, may god give peace to you and strength to your family and god bless india
Hi Sandeep,
You will be missed and remembered by all the Indians. You are our role model. I wish every Indian has your courage and bravery to fight what all problems our country is facing whether it is corruption or terrorism. I hope your sacrifice inspires all Indians no matter what religion they are from to come together and defend this great nation.
Jai Hind.
Maj. Sandeep is an original son of Bharat Mata. Jai Bharat Jai Sandeep. Jai Sandeep Jai Sandeep.
chinmay, i'm with you... lets nt sit n comment..
Greatttttttt lose for India
Real hero u r sandeep.
U died in a best way man....
i could have been in your place.
Hats off to one and all, who sacrified their lives and to those who are in the operation.... Lets pray for the peace of the souls of the sacrificed.... Every Indian sud act as a soldier and come forward in these kinda sensitive situations....
Vamsi, an Indian patriot
Me 2 chinamy........................................
Hats off to the bravery shown by Sandeep and likes of him. Its time now that the people of India should unite and fight this pest called terrorism. Hope the martyrdom of such Indian Patriots give a different vision to the so called gr8 politicians of our nation.
You are the Real Hero Sir, I Salute you
A real Hero A true son of Mother India...
A 1000 salute to you !!! May your soul rest in peace.
Vande Mataram.
I bow myself in front of you and your team. You are indeed great. We are nothing compared to you.
You all men are really great and its because of you that we all nation sleep in our homes without worries.
Tribute to you.
hey sandeep...yaaar tere jaise jawaan ko mera jabardast salaam.
words nahi hain mere paas tumhare bravery ka taarif karne ke liye...
kaash main bhi desh ke liye kuch kar sakta....mere andar wo bhaavana aa chuki hai...
ab saalon terrorists logon ka satyanaash jald hoga........
May god bless your soul, and, my heart felt condolences to your family.
I salute your selflessness, bravery, and service to the nation. You have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country and this will never be forgotten. I pray for your soul, and your family. We as a nation will do everything in our power to ensure its sovereignty and strength. You have given your life for a cause, and we as citizens will ensure your cause is realized.
Our Nation owes u lot , a brave person, My heart goes for ur family, I know they r proud to have u as well as this nation. I salute u.
I Salute for ur bravery....this is a post independence freedom fighting.......ur an icon for Hindustan.....Jai Hind
we are proud on u ..my brother...may god hugs ur soul...
May your soul rest in peace.
Your sacrifice will enlighten billions hearts
u r the kind of persons who really defines the term bravery.....may GOD bless ur soul.....
We all indian owe you, for your supreme sacrifice....I don't want to say any thing else to your parents except that Thanks for giving your brave son to India.
We are all with you.
We are so proud of you. May your soul rest in peace.
We all salute u.
jai hind
you r great sir
Jai Hind
The whole country salutes you and is proud of your bravery
we proud of u
We all salute u
Jai Hind
Sir you are really great and your bravery is simply reminder of one of those of Bhagat Singh and Chandrasekhar Azad.
I respect your bravery and i also pray to god that someday when i'll die give me a brave death like you.
My Salute to you the great soul.
God bless all your family members and give them strength.
Sandeep, we salute your courage and bravery.
Dear Sandeep.. we really really proud of you... you are the real HERO of our nation... we will miss you... Muuuhhhaaa
I salute to you. You'll be a source of pride and people will feel secure because of you. We can sleep peacefully because we are confident of people like you in India can protect us.
We all salute your bravery ... there are no words in which we Indians can thank you
may you rest in peace......
we as a citizen of india will never be able to pay back,,,,
salute to great soul..
i pray to god to give strength to your near and dear ones,,,they have got the deepest wound...
long live india
Dear Sandeep my heart pains and eyes wet, may your soul rest in peace
Sleep well my dear whereever you are..you have made us proud with your supreme sacrifice..great to see so many people from civil street remembering you..
May God give strength to your near and dear ones to withstand the irrepairable loss..
Regards..an ex Fauji
We are proud of you,major.A real warrior I cant give you anything except my tears.
i salut u sandeep...we all Indians are proud of U.
Jai Hind!
thanks sandeep you are immortal for ever you have made millions of people safer
India salutes your bravery.
My homage to great warrior Major Snadeep .
you are real Indian hero,You become inspiration source for indian youth for forever.
Salute to your bravery.
Dear Sandeep Unnikrishnan,
I salute your bravery. The efforts of your family members to make you commondo is highly commandable.
Just saluting is not enough. Every individual should undergo mandatory miliary training which is common in western countries to counter these terrorist attacks.
No one can become a hero,
Situation makes hero and U r Real Life hero for all Indians.
Salute to you
Jai Hind
An Indian
We all salute you for what you did and we can only imagine the deep grief that your family is going through. Losing a person of such great stature at such young age is unimaginable. I would pray god to again give you a rebirth you in your family for all your loved ones.
A great tribute to you my dear friend. May god bless us all and give the strength to your family.
I salute your bravery Sandeep
I salute your bravery Sandeep
I hope that we do not waste your sacrifice! I hope we learn to prize the freedom that you have helped us to live in.
I hope we do not fail you, brave officer!
You will be remembered ever in Indian History for your sacrifice. You are Great.
we are proud and trust the ones who are fighting for their lives and the lives of others and the many who died. They are the countries true hero's. Not the ones who sit in comfort and give only promises.
I Salute you Major Unnikrishnana. No words for this sacrifice. You are the real hero of this country. You will always be live in our heart respectfully.
Abinash Sinha
Thank you, always remembered, never forgotten, RIP
You gave your life to protect ours!
Your family is blessed, let them have the courage to face this situation.
We all owe you our lives.
Jain hind!
sandeep you will be always remembered in our hearts for the tremendous sacrifice you made for the country. May God bless your family and give them strength.
We salute you and your bravery. It is because of people like you that we do not realize how dangerous the world is.
We salute your bravery...our heartfelt condolences go over to your family...RIP
you were the real hero sandeep....whole nation is proud of you....jab tak aapke jaise soldiers hain no one can touch our country....May God give strength to your near and dear ones to withstand the irrepairable loss..may your soul rest in peace....
I salute your bravery !!! You gave your life to protect us.You are really a hero of the nation ...WE all indains will pray for ur family to face the situation...
Sandeep, I salute you.May ur soul rest in peace and may God give strength and courage to ur family.
Salute to you Major....You were indeed brave...I wish every indian could be like you...
Really you did a great job. Iam very much proud of you and your family will feel proud of you. May God bless all you family members.I salute you and your family members.
sacrificing own life for us & for a nation(for which half of has done nothing so for except thinking) is the bravest thing i imagine a man can do. You made me believe how precious is our nation. i salutte you, man.
My family and I salute you and you collegues who laid down their lives for our country. Teh country will always be grateful to you and your family.
A true Hero our Nation misses. Your are the inspiration for a million youngsters in country, We all miss you....
Mother India surely will miss you.
I Salute the warrior.....
Jai Hind
We salute your bravery.
I know this is nothing compared to the sacrifice that you've made for the country.
I wish i was in your place.
May your soul rest in peace and inspire the others.
May god bless your soul. Thank you for your service and ultimate service for our country. You make me feel proud as an Indian.
jai hind sir
Dear Sandeep you are India's real hero, we salute you for your bravery and sacrifice
What Sandeep has done is really commendable. There are no words which can ever fill the gap for the family members. Lets unite as Indians of all religions, sects, caste and colour and take a pledge that we are first and foremost Indians and we would not allow any elements internal or external allow a division between ourselves in the name of religion,sect, position in the society. That will be a true homage to this Hero.
My prayers also go for the bereaved Family. You may have lost a member but whole country has joined you as family.Take heart God has his own plan.
Maj.Unnikrishnan: You will be remembered till eternity for this valor and courage, You laid down your life for your great country, We salute you for the supreme sacrifice , Only hoping our politicians learn some patriotism from brave sons like you. The question is Does MNS chief Mr. Raj Thakrey want only marathi commandos to do the operations now or has he learned that we still are a one great united country.
May your soul rest in peace..
with lots of love
sandeep, u r our real HERO.........
I salute you true patriot of BHARAT VARSHA.
May GOD give strength your family to bear this LOSS!!!!!
I am humbled by your ultimate sacrifice and at them same time feeling very sorry for your family and pray to God that our politicians don't keep making the same mistake again so we don't lose precious life like yours. Oh Lord give strength and comfort for Mr Unnikrishnan Family.
Sandeep I salute you,, U r a real hero who laid down his life to save ppl lik us.. a real brave and patriot.. v r proud of U n ur family..
i Salute and bow down to your bravery.. you'll always remain like a hero...
you have proven that you are a true Indian...
Hats off to you sandeep!! U r great!
u r our hero.i saulte u..
Sandeep, You made us all Indians Proud.
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