How many of the internet users actually want to view the controversial MMS - I wanted to conduct an online survey on this topic. I was amazed to see the hotness of the search, on Google search trends, even after 2 days later the news ! I have posted the screen shot, in case you haven't seen...

Such is the lure of cheapness, some of the leading newspapers like Mid Day, SamayLive have published the stills from the alleged MMS, in their online versions. Mid Day even had published a section of the video!!! Obviously, to attract more hits, these newspapers can stoop to any level, without caring a fig for the social responsibilities.
My second point is voyeurism on internet. I have the full MMS video, but won't publish. At least now. I am conducting an online poll (you can cast your vote too) to check how many of us actually want to see the MMS. The result is there for you see...
There was a time when the public space invaded private spaces. Today it is the private space that has invaded the public zone. So much that there is left no formal public space left for people to breathe easy in.
I would submit this post on all social bookmarking sites - Digg, Mixx, Stumbleupon, Mybloglog, Reditt, Hotklix, Delicious, Salshdot and network with people. Your opinion counts. Tell me am I wrong to have taken this stand?